Gold Coast Region
Gold Coast Region
porsche club of america
Gold Coast Region
Gold Coast Region
porsche club of america

POTM Jan 24

My Dream 911 
 This month’s photo submitted by Roger G, is his 2014 Carrera S in front of the
beautiful Plymouth Congregational Church in Coconut Grove. For many years Roger
said, “If I ever got a 911, it had to have the aero package with the classic duck tail, it had
to be white and it had to be a 991.1.”
Then one day in July it happened. This Carrera S unexpectedly appeared just as Roger
would have ordered it and it even sported his favorite wheels. He had to have it, saying,
“Sometimes things happen when you least expect them.”
Roger took this photo with his iPhone 12.

Gold Coast Region

Porsche Club of America,
Gold Coast Region
648 NW 100 Lane
Coral Springs, FL. 33071

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